
Whether giving back or paying it forward, it's God's design that we minister to those around us. At Faith Apostolic Church, there are a host of ministries by which to build up both the kingdom of God and yourself.

Alcohol Chemical and Treatment Series


The Alcohol Chemical Treatment Series (ACTS) of Michigan is a Christian alternative recovery program. The ACTS program assists individuals that are involved with the law, correctional institutions, addiction problems, or needing Christian recovery. The certified instructors present a weekly lesson to help bring a holistic balance to individual's lives. The classes can be taught in schools, churches, community centers, or correctional institutions.The class format is an hour in length and has three segments

  • Educational information covering physical, psychological, and emotional changes associated with alcohol or chemical abuses.
  • Visual information applied to enhance the educational aspect of the lessons.
  • Historical application: the visual and educational segments are linked with a story, which gives the class participant complete understanding of the lesson. This in turn empowers the participant to relate the lesson to his or her own problems, fears, and desires.

The instructors and group give Christian support which enables individuals to leave the class not feeling alone and that they can make it through another day with God's help.

Some advantages of being a part of the ACTS program are:

  • Upon request ACTS can assist in probation requirements and provide participants' progress reports to state or federal agencies.
  • Assist the school system with delinquency and detention requirements.
  • Provide support group settings for participants and their families.
  • Reinforce positive character development and strengthen any after-care effort.

Childrens Ministries

Each family is it's own mission field in raising each child "in the way he should go" (Proverbs 22:6). At Faith Apostolic Church, we believe it essential that we aid families in doing just that.

Ministry Lead: Terrie White

Sundays: Traditional Sunday School classes for all ages run from 10:00 am - 11:15 am.

Wednesdays: Mid-week classes vary depending on the week of the month. Check our calendar for scheduled classes.

Bible Quizzing

Bible Quizzing is a ministry to get our children and youth into the Word of God and His Word into them. Paul instructed Timothy to, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (II Timothy 2:15). We recognize that this endeavor will not happen accidentally or even naturally, but requires significant study and hard work just as it did for Timothy.

Junior Bible Quizzing
Ministry Lead: Justin and Tiffany Main
Beginner Division: up to 8 years old
Junior Division: up to 11 years old

Junior Bible Quizzing is sponsored by the General Sunday School Division of the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI)

Senior Bible Quizzing
Ministry Lead: Josh and Karly Knapp
Intermediate Division: 12-14 years old, and older first-year quizzers
Experienced Division: 12-18 years old

Senior Bible Quizzing is sponsored by the General Youth Division of the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI)
2016 FACT Quiz Year


Meeting in the pastor's office every Sunday morning at 10:30 am, Building to Last is a 36-week discipleship course that grounds you solidly in the Word, and prepares you to share It with others in need.

Taught by Pastor Walker, the course covers need-to-know topics such as:

  • Plan of Salvation
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Leadership
  • Prayer & Fasting
  • Stewardship
  • The Godhead
  • Kingdom Living


"You may as soon find a living man that does not breath, as a living Christian that does not pray." - Matthew Henry

Prayer is a matter of spiritual life or death. That sounds dramatic, but it is simply factual. If we fail to have daily dialogue with the King of kings, we crimp the spiritual lifeline by which our spirits breath the oxygen of His presence. " ought always to pray, and not to faint" (Luke 18:1b).

Ministry Leads: Ben & Beth Bouren

Kid's Prayer Leads: Brandon McKenzie


Unified Uth

Unified Uth is a group designed to connect young people to Christ and one another. We use youth services, youth rallies, special events, and special trips to help them grow Onward by continuing in doctrine, Upward with monthly consecration, and Outward by participating in outreach activities.

We know the relationships they develop during this time in their lives can radically impact the course of their life and try to connect them with wholesome fellowship to achieve impacting relationships. Since, it is extremely important each and every one of our young people know they are valued and appreciated, it is our goal to connect with each young person in such a way that they realize their potential and the importance of what they contribute to the Body of Christ!

Uth Team: Shannon Eustace, Joey & Amie Gomez, Katie Gomez, Justin Main, Rochelle White

Monthly Schedule
1st Wed: Uth class in breakout session
2nd Fri: Section 1 Youth Rally
3rd Wed: Uth class
4th Sat: Uth activity

Purpose Institute

Training is a serious matter. The Lord’s worldwide harvest depends on qualified leaders. If the harvest at home or abroad is slowed down, it is for the lack of trained leadership. Purpose Institute can help. Purpose Institute is a highly effective vehicle providing ministry education for local leaders while allowing them to remain faithful to their local church, their work, and their families. The evidence since Purpose Institute's beginning is overwhelming. Those who are utilizing this training option are meeting the need in their local churches for qualified leaders.

Ministry Leads: Ben & Beth Bouren

Kid's Prayer Leads: Brandon McKenzie
